Why is my Black or Manchurian Ash Dying?

Published on May 20, 2019   Parkland Tree Care consultion Parkland Tree Care Tree Removal Tree Pest Ash tree pest cottony ash psyllid jumping tree lice

Tree Pest: Cottony Ash Psyllid aka Jumping Tree Lice

Another Ash insect that has moved into the Winnipeg area in the last several years is the Cotton Ash Psyllid (CAP). This tiny insect is similar to an aphid. It attacks Black and Manchurian Ash trees (not Green Ash) by sucking sap from the underside of leaves and at the same time injecting a toxin into the tree. This toxin can kill the tree quite quickly (1-2 years). There is no effective treatment for this pest. As a result, whole streets planted with Black ash have died within the City of Winnipeg. This pest is found in Winnipeg and in many rural areas of Manitoba. When attacked the leaves of the Ash tree start to curl, shrivel and turn brown, at one point in mid-summer a white cottony like substance spreads across the underside of the leaves. Since there is no effective treatment the only solution is tree removal. Parkland Tree Care Arborists can help you identify the pest and affected trees.

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Decay, disease, storm damage and age all harm the trees we cherish. Luckily, there are steps we can take to prolong their lives like pruning, cabling and bracing and training. Jobs like these — and other dangerous jobs like removals and pruning—are best left to the experienced arborists at Parkland Tree Care. We have the necessary tools, equipment and knowledge to safely care for your trees and shrubs.

If you would like to schedule an appointment for a consultation or a free estimate please call us at 204-981-8273 or fill out the form. Let us know what your tree requires and one of our arborists will get back to you at the earliest possible convenience.